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page: 2

21. make a list of top 10 things you love about your partner
22. display it in a prominant place
23. tatoo your mates name on your body
24. make an album or scrapbook of your favorite memories together
25. go camping together and only take one sleeping bag
26. send a mushy message in a bottle or ballon or in a sandwich
27. cut out a silly cartoon that you know they'd enjoy
28. shower together
29. dim the lights and have a dinner in candle light
30. be first to say "i am sorry & kiss & makeup
31. kiss every hour when clock ticks
32. give each other full body oil massage
33. send a gift basket of indulged items
34. write "i am hot for you" in steam on the bathroom mirror
35. ribbon wrap your bed with a big bow
36. fill up gas tank for your partner car
37. act like teenager may be even pierce something
38. show up the bouquet of flowers for no reason at all
39. play video games together
40. run a warm bubble bath for your partner with lost of lit candles
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